Emergency Shelter Program

Need Help?

Call or Text (518) 798-4384

Located at 12 Wait Street in Glens Falls, NY 12801

About the Program

The Emergency Shelter Program (ESP) is a 9-bed co-ed emergency shelter program for youth in crisis. ESP provides a temporary sanctuary for homeless, runaway, and abandoned youth until a permanent home is found or the youth is reunited with their family (if appropriate).

Upon arrival, our residents are provided basic needs including shelter, food, clothing and transportation. Each meets regularly with a case manager to develop goals for stabilization and growth. Youth can stay in ESP for 30 days with the option of extending for another 30 days. All services are offered at no-cost.

More than 90% of youth exit ESP into a stable home environment.

Boy in hoodie sits on the top bunk of a bunk bed in a blue room, looking at his phone.

Who is eligible?

Youth ages 16-24 who are currently homeless.

Program Services

  • Shelter, Clothing & Hygienic Needs
  • 3 Meals Per Day and Snacks
  • Individual Case Management
  • Counseling
  • Life Skills Training
  • Nutrition & Cooking Education
  • Educational Support
  • Job Search Assistance
  • Family Mediation
  • Computer Access
  • Information and Referrals to Other Service and Health Agencies
  • Aftercare Services

ESP is open to all eligible youth ages 16-24, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. Walk-ins, drop-offs, and referrals are all assessed and screened to identify needs, eligibility and appropriateness.


Ask for help.

“I’m forever grateful to every person at WAIT House and they will forever hold a special place in my heart.” — Miranda